Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 22

After class today we went and found a falafel place, which also, of course, made pizza. I got a falafel piadina (basically a wrap). They made the bread right there which was good, but nothing amazing. Also, we waited about 20 minutes for these things, which should take about 20 seconds.

Then, Alessandra was adorable and brought me some pastries from Gamberini Pasticceria (Via Ugo Bassi, 12), which has to be one of the best in the city. These were absolutely delicious - not to mention incredibly good looking! See those tiny strawberries? Those are the sweetest strawberries I've ever had. Thanks Alessandra!

For dinner, went to eat with the Forni girls. Reni made some great crepes, and then we had a random selection of things to put in them. I went all out and just put everything in for a tasty sweet-savory combination. This had Italian plum jam, provolone cheese, arugula, a fried egg, and olive oil. Yummy!

Tomorrow I go to Verona. Yeah, the one Romeo and Juliet are from. Get ready for more eating adventures!

A domani!
