Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 35

So I only have one picture for you today since I forgot my camera at dinner, but Alessandra and I went to La Mela (Via de' Fusari, 5) for lunch which was great! It is a spacious trattoria and pizzeria that specializes in seafood (but has everything). I got a seafood pizza with clams, muscles, calamari, and octopus. It was really good, the dough was crispy and just a little burned at the bottom from the wood oven, which I like.

For dinner, we went to Bounty for aperitivi. They had a buffet with great pastas, polenta, croustini, etc... I'm sure I'll be back so I'll have pictures in the future. For dessert, we went to Bombo crepe next door (though I got a savory crepe with cheese and speck).