These ones were made with spinach and covered in a creamy, delicious gorgonzola cream sauce. I think I ate three bowls of these... oh well, when there is a big bowl of fresh, hand made, cream and cheese covered gnocchi sitting right in front of me, how can I not? It was just that good.
For secondi, we made a traditional B0lognese summer dish: stuffed zucchini. These were stuffed with a mixture of ground mortadella and prosciutto (I know, brilliant, right?) and then baked with a freshly made tomato sauce.
Also some delicious, whole grain bread.
For dessert, torta della nonna, what is cream pie, Italian style. This is amazing, thick cream in a buttery crust with pine nuts. I had this once with strawberry jam which was really good and which I would love to try making some time.